Peace is more than the absence of conflict — peace needs to be created. Help Creators of Peace grow the global network of people practising peace in their hearts, homes, and communities to build trust across social divides.
We need your support to maintain and amplify our work. Building on the strength of our approach and exploring new tools for peace creation costs money.
Fund on-the-ground activity, so we can continue to build resilience at a grassroots level and expand our reach in more communities around the world.
Invest in training, education, research and development. So we can find new and better ways to empower people to become peace creators in their homes, schools, workplaces, community groups and councils.
Fast-track our global presence. So we can shift the global dialogue to include everyone in peace creation at every level of society.
Creators of Peace (CoP) is a charitable association (a donation and grant-funded NGO) ruled by Articles 60-79 of Swiss Civil Code. CoP is a programme of Initiatives of Change International (IofC) and operates under the auspices of its International Association.
Address: Creators of Peace International, Caux Initiatives of Change, C/o DCAF, Maison de Paix, Pétale 5, Chem. Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Genève, Switzerland